CSL Strategic Workplan

Focus Areas
The CSL’s strategic work plan outlines innovative and ambitious pathways for increasing service-learning opportunities for students and faculty, while strengthening partnerships with local community-based organizations.

 Three key focus areas for strengthening the integration of service-learning across division and in the community sector: communications, institutional support, and expanded opportunities.

In light of the key focus areas to achieve the Work Plan goals the CSL will:

Build clarity and consistency in communication for the CSL and service-learning.
Work to strengthen GCP and CSL’s internal organizational capacity for community service-learning.
Expand opportunities for engaging in community service-learning.

Implementation of the strategic plan will focus on increased and on-going engagement of key stakeholders from across the school and broader communities. Through these efforts, the CSL is poised to deepen the practice of community service-learning, and provide greater awareness on the impact of community service-learning as a vehicle for enhanced teaching and learning, student transformation, and community change.

Center for Community Service-Learning Areas of Focus and Work Plan

IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY for advancing Community Service-Learning Goals

GOAL 1 - Build clarity and consistency in communication for the CSL and service-learning

Create community service-learning definition and icon for academic course catalogue. Complete this project early in the 2013 work period in order to facilitate additional data collection opportunities.
·         Communicate and market service-learning to a wider audience.
·         Prepare quarterly briefings to deliver service-learning message.
·         Promote community service-learning accomplishments of faculty practitioners, international program, student  and community partners.
·         Design and implement of assessment tools that will better tell the story of all service-learning stakeholders.
·         Identify value-added opportunities for departments, colleges and community partners who engage in service-learning, e.g., feature in the annual CSL showcase, honor roll of faculty fellows.

GOAL 2 - Work to strengthen internal organizational capacity for community service-learning

·         Convene the CSL Advisory Team to create an organizational construct for community service-learning spanning the grade 9-12
·         Convene Advisory Team Ad hoc committees related to the 3 strategic plan goals.
·         Create uniform community service-learning definition and message for wider audience using Advisory Task Force input.
·         Strengthen student-led community service-learning advocacy.
GOAL 3 - Expand opportunities for engaging in service-learning.

·         Work with Global Citizens Programs to build service-learning foundation across disciplines.
·         Create linkages with other curricular and co-curricular initiatives (e.g., Leadership Institute, Student Affairs,
·         Incorporate volunteer opportunities for students and parents at the CSL.

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